Saturday, October 6, 2007

Learning is like chocolate!

At least, to me it is. Learning something new makes me feel good. I tend to be a learner for learning's sake, and sometimes get so caught up in how cool everything is, that I forget where I'm trying to go. I usually have the end in mind when I start, but I can easily get distracted and go off on a tangent suggested by something fun that comes up in the middle of what I'm working on. I like the idea of a learning contract: a place to remind myself where I'm going, and what it will take to get there. That doesn't mean I can't pursue those wild tangents, but I think it might keep me from losing focus and letting the original purpose slide. So much to learn, so little time!

1 comment:

Monica said...

I love that metaphor for learning! I feel the same way :)